elexxion SNORE3
…means 1-2-3 snore free
In those countries patients are treated with the SNORE3 therapy successfully.

Snoring not only endangers your health, but also some marriage:
- Safe laser treatment: no anaesthesia, no pain, no scars !!
- 3 treatments of 20 minutes each
- Patent pending, backed by the University of Genoa
- maximum success rate after a thorough preliminary investigation
- elexxion works hand in hand with each practice (of the 100 VIP medical practices in Germany selected)
Finally back to sleeping quietly, waking up relaxed and start the new day full energy of enjoy.
With Snoring (medical name Rhonchopathy, latinized from the Greek “rhenkos, rhankos” from “rhenkein” to “snore, snort” = English and “pathy” Greek “Suffering”), is meant a ratting noise generated in the upper respiratory tract (vibrating soft palate) of a sleeping person. The normal snoring can also be called compensated snoring and is a mild disease without illness value.
As age increases 60 % of men, 40 % of women and 10 % of children will snore. In certain circumstances snoring may lead to a reduction of oxygen supply caused of breath stops and is called obstructive snoring. (free translation from Wikipedia) With our anti snoring therapy SNORE3 by elexxion we can help the normal snorers with highly success.
We must have reliable information. They are the prerequisite for successful therapy.
Step 1: call the elexxion hotline and we give you the details of a SNORE3– doctor
Step 2: You make an appointment for the preliminary consultation to see if you are suitable for treatment.
Step 3: When you and the doctor agree your suitability for treatment, then you will be booking your 3 appointments within 3 weeks, to be SNORE FREE